Patch 1.0.1 - Bug Fixes


  • Fixed warning when Amplify not installed
  • Fixed BIRP not displaying lights if shadow rendering is disabled in settings
  • Fixed URP <2021: Error: Couldn’t include DOTS.HLSL
  • Fixed URP <2021: URP_EnableDepthNormals ERRORS
  • Fixed Build Error: Light instancer.cs -> Clear Grids()
  • Fixed Particles Materials Unity <2021

New Features:

  • Added "SmoothEdge" Parameter to spotlight shader

Planned Features:

  • URP <=2020:  view space normals cause incorrect shading
  • Better benchmarking scene
  • VR support ?

Thank you all for your support!


FakePointLightURPBuiltIn-1.0.1.unitypackage 585 kB
Jun 17, 2024

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